Inspiration - Wellbeing

True happiness is in the present moment

Do you sometimes feel excited about the future? Or perhaps do you sometimes worry about the future? You are not alone, I myself face sometimes these challenges. I think it’s important to talk about this aspect of mental health. Because this can lead to overthinking so if you wish to experience inner peace this blog post is for you! This topic which covers wellbeing, relationships and productivity is underrated. So if you have a moment to be present reading this post. You will find key takeaways and golden nuggets for your present life. Actually the present is the only tense that exists. All things in space and time happens in the NOW. The now transcends everything.

There’s not past and no future

The past happened in the present moment and the future will happen in the present moment. It doesn’t matter how your life could have been. What’s you’ve been through doesn’t determine your life in the present moment. Because every actions you’re taking right now no matter how small they are can change the course of your life. Despite uncertainties what I do is to keep moving with my rituals no matter what. For me belief and humility are the words coming to me as I’m writing sat down at a caffe Nero in London. Sipping my expresso observing the sun rays shining on the stairs with the dancing dust. Thinking at this present moment of my values I can bring to others in getting better and spreading positivity.

When certain feelings about my future arise I take time to breath and observe my thoughts. This helps me to be present and to think about what can I do in order to take action for my purpose? Exercising to get better, focused and energized is what I do daily. Because I keep believing in my mission on this Earth which is to get people better and better. Helping them to be better in all aspects of their lives. So exercise is one of my fundamental pillars. My other fundamental pillar is meditating when I open my eyes in the morning. This ritual reminds me to be present.

Time is an illusion (Albert Einstein)

“It is difficult to live in and enjoy the moment when you are thinking about the past or worrying about the future.” Roy Bennett

Why is this so key for me?

Living in the present moment is key for engagement in whatever we are doing. Being present is the foundation of productivity in our daily lives. Living in the now is key for how we choose to spend time. As a focus person I’ve realised this recently. When it’s time for me to exercise my focus in on exercise only. Whenever it’s time to focus on deep work, my focus and my thoughts are on what I’m doing in this dedicated time. When I’m working my attention is on my customers and my tasks to accomplish. Finally when it’s time to chill or having fun I detach myself and focus on the time off I’m having. Stress + Rest=Growth is something I never forget!

Wimbledon Park during my lunch break walk. An opportunity to cut myself off work a bit.

Excitement and doubts are sometimes a challenging combination. Let me explain. I have a positive outlook on the future which brings me excitement. But I also have apprehension of the unknown and uncertainties. Both related to my personal growth and career I want to undertake for 2025. I’m a Human being and I feel emotions like the other 8 billions Human beings on this Earth. It’s sometime challenging so in the afternoons I completely step back from watching inspirational content or work on my projects or even read self improvement books that I love. I spend time chilling in order to drop my cortisol level to have a good night of sleep to recharge the batteries and restart the day after.

Making decision

The Challenge I’m facing at the moment is making a decision regarding a coaching training. There are plenty I can choose from. I’m dedicating January specifically to this and I also watch coaching sessions to really put me on track. I have a burning faith of helping others to be at their best and this is something I will never compromise. Many options are presenting to me with a lot of doubts and apprehensions. What’s exciting in this is my confidence and sealed my fate toward this change of career. This will be way more than that. This will be a gate for new unlimited adventures for me haha.

My faith and confidence is guiding me with humility one step at a time. Because I’m proud to be someone who had learned from failures. I’ve tried many things that didn’t work or not been consistent because they were not in my values of helping people to be at their best. The belief I have is the light guiding me for the rest of my life.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. (Martin Luther King)

Every action I do everything must look like your aspirations for the future. Your future is determined by your daily actions in the present moment no matter how small they are.


Myself use meditation and journaling to help me to be present. Yoga is something I want to experiment to maximize the state of awareness. I do practice mindfulness by lying down on my bed and watching my thoughts without judgment. I still have a lot of practice to do by it’s by these practice that I find true happiness. Because I’m not only engaged in what I’m doing but I avoid useless projection into the past and worries of the uncertainties of the future. I do want I have in hand in this moment to achieve my goals.

Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your hours, so you create your years (Robin Sharma)

This quote inspires me to take action everyday in all aspects of my life. My lifestyle improving is due to all small actions I’ve taken so far. It’s been since 2023 I really started my self improvement journey. I still have a lot to learn and humility is something that was missing in my journey. Humility is guiding me in my daily actions when I look at the top of the mountain of what I want to achieve in my life.

When I wake up in the morning I also start to practice mindfulness. Sometimes when I wake up my thoughts start drifting and increase my stress level thinking about the day ahead. So I take time to analyse what I’m thinking right now in this present moment? Then I become aware of my feelings and senses to spring out of bed heading to the bathroom for a cold shower that makes me more grounded in the focus of the present moment. After that you know more or less how my routine looks like innit? This is how I create my happiness everyday. Thank you very much.

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