My gratitude for the past year 2024 is limitless! I’ve learned so much about myself as an unlimited adventurer too! I grew as a man and as an individual so I will keep this momentum for 2025! I’ve faced many challenges which made me grow. After trying many things regarding business ideas in 2024, failures and also not been consistent. The last 2 months of 2024 particularly put me into the test. I realised my potential as an outcome of doubts and questions I kept asking myself.

However I did perceive these challenges not as opportunities of growth but more importantly to put me towards my real path. The path I should follow if I want people to live at their best. So I dived into my past traumas and experiences and went through pain of reminding them. That was a very challenge of exploring however I’ve learned humility in 2024 and I’m also very grateful for that.
“We go back into our past memory bank in order to predict our future, if our thoughts create our reality, what we remember and how we choose to remember it impacts our future.” Joe Dispenza

The Gallup CliftonStrength assessment
But what I’m grateful the most is the Clitfton Strengths assessment from Gallup. So Gallup, Inc is an American company for analytics and advisory founded by George Gallup. They also do opinion polls and educational consulting such as the Clifton Strength. This psychological assessment was first developed by the company in 2001 from historical poll data, consultations, interviews from leaders and work teams. It consists of 34 strengths areas This has changed my perception of myself and my potential. But more importantly about my defined purpose. Self discovery was one of my goal for the second part of 2024 and that was such a treat!

There are four primary strength domains identified according to research. So they all four includes the 34 strength areas.
>Strategic thinking : Analytical, Context, Futuristic, Ideation, Input, Intellection, Learner, Strategic.
>Relationship Building : Adaptability, Connectedness, Developer, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity, Relator.
>Influencing : Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Maximizer, Self-assurance, Significance, Woo.
>Executing : Achiever, Arranger, Belief, Consistency, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Responsibility, Restorative.
There are so many things we can find and notice in individuals. I personally can relate so many anecdotes from past experiences with people when they lacked confidence. People I know very well who explained to me their problems and why they’re feeling stuck. The fundamental thing is to see the good in everyone and by the way the good side of the society. As I’m working in hospitality in a very popular and busy place made me interested more in psychology and human behaviour. As well as my leadership position is teaching me a lot about identify the good in everyone and to put your attention on what’s right with them.
Moreover I can give them tasks they love to do. On top of that I’ve learned to adapt myself to all kind of people and embracing more the diversity. Diversity is building this world for the best and that’s the reason of this. These all 34 strengths changed my perception of the human and this is particularly interesting for my interactions. I’m also starting to guess some of the 34 in people who have no idea of this test haha. If you whish to learn more about these empowering 34 strength themes here is the link and where you can do the test from there as well.
My top 10 strenghts
Me at my best!
- Input: Because I love to learn about things that matters for me in order to grow. I’m constantly exploring new ways and ideas to give good advice if necessary. It can be High Performance related or any other areas.
- Belief: I believe in my values that are unchanging and will never change for the rest of my life. Helping people to get better and accompany them to make improvements is what I love to do.
- Maximizer: I’m a person who is always looking for improvements. What I mean by that is improvements both mentally and physically. Learning and reading in order to grow as a person. Always improving in my work and anything related to my purpose. I also wish the best for the people around me (Family, Friends, Colleagues, Acquaintances or anyone on my way).
- Intellection: I think a lot and excited for intellectual discussions regarding History, Science, Politics, Religions. I love acquiring knowledge and skills regarding these topics. I believe it’s important to take time aside of my goals when I step back to read and listening about these topics. It support me in order to reset myself.
- Futuristic: I’m inspired by the future and what I can do. It’s sometime challenging for me to be in the present moment if. However my intellection side comes into play. I always get ideas and plans for the best.
- Ideation: I always find ideas and suggestions for improvement. It’s always a pleasure for me to bring my contribution and empowerment in a group brainstorming.
- Arranger: I’m a very organized person regarding my job. I’m also very organized in my training (effort and rest) and also regarding my content creation.
- Focus: I’m a focus person at work but also learned and amplified this strength even more. My journey taught me to prioritize certain tasks to do and relationships. This strength is for example my priority at the moment. By grounding myself in the present moment without ruminations from the past and worries about the future. It’s very important and resonates with me a lot on being present and productive in my daily activities.
- Positivity: I always knew I am a positive person. I’m an optimistic person and my favourite saying is “We always get by”. One of my favourite affirmation is “I see the good in every situation”. Positivity is well grounded within myself and have not doubt about it. I’m energize myself with positive stuff like what I’m reading and what I’m watching. I also energize others with my positivity and that’s very important for me. Why? Because this gives me happiness and fulfilment to have impact on others and making a difference.
- Adaptability: I am a flexible person regarding situations and with my job I’ve learned to be more flexible with people. As I meet hundred of people everyday at the Deli and got a leadership position I was able to maximize that. I can adapt with unpredictability of situations and customer’s reactions. I see the good in every situation isn’t it?

Life coaching and walking club
Community and connection with like minded people is what I dreamed of when I started my journey at the second half of 2023. From the beginning I knew the importance of relationships but was lacking of them. I was keeping myself busy and striving on my own. Until everything started to move by the Autumn of the same year. I indeed met someone who will later become very special to me.
His name is Pat and his personality and his energy became a true inspiration for me. The first connection with him was so powerful and intense like I’ve never experienced when I first meet someone. I opened up to him like never before with anyone so he became my life coach but more importantly a very close friend above all. He is a genuine support for my journey which I’m on. I could define my purpose which is to inspire people and empowering them. We used to meet up as a group of like-minded people in Battersea Park for walks. Had found great value and really was worth my dedication and commitment.

People with various interesting personalities and what I found very empowering was the safe space I’ve found in that group. Meeting like minded people is very important to me. Because I started my journey in 2023 and that’s quite recent so I still didn’t have the relationships to lift me up. I also find important to join and contribute to other people’s journey. The walking club was about High performance and wellbeing of course. With varieties of topics each week so I committed to this every Friday because Wellbeing and High Performance are subject dear to me.
Self development is something that excites me more than anything else.
The 2Blimitless UK community
Following after my dedication for the walking club in Battersea Park every Friday morning on high performance. The sense of community is key for me from my experience in leading groups in international exchange organisations. We were all from different nationalities and background and we were living together as one.
Where there is unity there is always victory.
This is in that same spirit I’ve joined this lovely worldwide 2Blimitless community. People with the same aspirations as me. Being at our best and community and connections as its core values.

2Blimitless is a strength based coaching organisation led by Mick Todd and Peter Turner located in Dubai. What I experienced at my first 2Blimitless community event was so magical. It’s more than a coaching organisation worldwide community of individuals as well as companies and I was surrounded by very inspiring people and felt a high level of positivity around me. While I’m writing these lines I’m shedding a tear as I remember the toughness and adversity in my life I’ve faced. From remembering a chapter of my childhood when I was confronted to physical violence and my teenage years facing psychological violence. From the death of my dad to loosing a very close boarding school mate.
Also remembering the boldness of my younger brother Hugo who deserves to me remembered here as well. Whose energy and commitment to work are inspirations to me. I’ve never experienced such a high level of positivity in a room with so many different people in my whole life. This brough me energy and confidence to primarily being at my best but to move forward in my journey. What was striking to me was that there was not a single negative conversation in sight! The topic of this event was presentation how to deal with stress and how you spread your message to an audience. How your body language or emotions influences the way you convey a message. That’s something I’m thinking to do in the next few years!
Me considering coaching to conclude
As I’m wrapping up this post it’s important to mention again here that my purpose is to inspire people to be in the best version of themselves. I’ve been working a lot to become the best version of myself in 2024. It made me realise how coaching had a powerful way on myself to achieve that goal. In becoming healthier, happier, fitter… In a nutshell, to become the best version of myself.
Many factors brough me to the conclusion of considering coaching people. Why coaching? Because I believe this not only my destiny. But I’ve realised so many things in my journey so far as I continue to grow. Indeed as a leader I’m like a mentor for the newbies and give directions to the rest of the staff if necessary. Obviously guidance both the training and to become a better version don’t resonate with everyone. Because as a Maximizer I wish the best for people around me. People like family and friends are more or less receptive to be honest with you and some people just simply don’t care.
Coaching is different from counselling, therapy, mentoring or consulting. It’s about taking people from where they are now and where want to be in life. That includes health, relationships, goals, business, stress, balance and creative energy. So many familiar stuff resonating with me. Coaching individuals consists of empowering questions and not giving guidance, advice or solving a problem. Input from the client is the most powerful way. My impact used to be constantly sharing stories about what I’ve been through in my life or in sharing my knowledge in High Performance to make a difference on people to get better. Coaching is way more efficient than that!

Why my willingness to coach people? Because I suffered too much from lack of confidence myself. I grew up unsecured myself and picked myself up over the last few years. I overcame my fears and doubts with coaching sessions and improved myself like never before. That’s mainly due to the effects of coaching on me as well. Indeed my past is guiding me with humility and purpose towards that change of career because for me success and unleashing potential is at the reach of everyone.
I personally believe and it’s even a certainty we human beings are unlimited by essence. So all 34 strengths don’t prove it wrong and grounded myself in this idea. That’s why I’m the unlimited adventurer. This direction would be way more than a change of career, but a transformative experience for me. I’ve already started to practice coaching at a 2Blimitless community event in Birmingham that sparked a light inside me.
Helping people to be the best version of themselves is my gift to the world and the legacy I will leave behind.
To be continued…