How the Olympics played a role in my life
Firstly I’m gonna talk about the Olympics that took place in Paris. The Olympics were the opportunity to promote the best of the French capital but also the country. I always follow the Olympic competitions every 4 years and like many people I watch sportive competition that I usually never take the opportunity to watch. I find a lot of inspiration through the athlete’s performance especially during this one. This one in particular not just because it’s in the country who saw me growing up. Be sure I am completely unbiased haha but for me they were the best Olympics I’ve ever seen. But first and foremost because I’ve taken actions in my life such as exercise to support my life’s goals and purpose. I’ve recently increased my exercise routine with running, cycling and taking swimming lessons and of course increased the weight lifting at the gym!

During my childhood cycling was a way to unwind once homework’s completed. I cycled with friends in a peaceful and quiet neighbourhood at a time when my Aunt and my late Uncle looked after me. I sometimes took part in Bike rides with them. Which I found very difficult and challenging. Especially when climbing quite steep slopes through the scents of the wheat and wood in the middle the local valley. Struggling and thirsty in the middle of nowhere on scorching Summer days.
Many year later in 2022 I genuinely started enjoying it in a way to unwind and breaking free from the stress from work. It was quite challenging and became a slave to the negativity I was exposed in. I faced complex situations which led me to start a physical activity. At least the Boris Bike as we call them in London would be a good start.
One of the ride I loved was from Brixton to Buckingham Palace via the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar square and the iconic Mall. There couldn’t have a better scenery throughout the history of the British Royalty. London who hosted the 2012 Olympics brings me such good memories when I watched it on TV. And now I exercise through this scenery where the best athletes in the world ounce performed. The London 2012 Olympics is always somewhere in my mind whenever I exercise. It kind of gives me boost to improve myself day after day.
I’ve recently started to go cycling again but this time in a regular basis. Because it reminds me this amazing ride described above which brought me excitement.
Why this brought me excitement? Because back in 2022 I was quite overwhelmed by work and more insecure. I found a way of letting everything go and enjoying myself discovering London in a new perspective while pedalling on a squealing Santander hire bike!
Swimming is part of my routine since last year and taking swimming lesson to learn the front crawl. My 2023 Tenerife trip gave me inspiration as I swam in natural basins in a rocky seashore. I really found enjoyment and satisfaction during this down time so I wanted to continue enjoying it. In fact I started my swimming journey way long time prior. I used to do swimming lessons back in the days in my home Town Amiens. During a large part of my childhood I was deprived from going to swimming pool due to ear drum surgeries. Although sometimes surgeons allowed me to take a dip so I could learn the breaststroke technique. But I forgot the technique as time passed without practicing. And re-learned later on in 2011.
Now swimming lessons are for me the best occasion to improve what I have to improve and to learn and improving my front crawl technique. I’ve never had the opportunity to learn the front crawl in my life. My willingness to improve all areas of my life pushed me to do so. I found inspiration during the Olympics in Leon Marchand’s gold medal wins and his coach Bob Bowman. Bob Bowman is also Michael Phelps’s coach. It sounds like Leon Marchand is benefitting from his teachings and leading him to a quite similar path of success.
I introduced running in my routine recently as I was telling myself one day I should do a run but always found excuses. My first lap run in Brockwell Park left my legs sore for at least 3 days. It kind of deterred me to do it again. However I recently started running again to dissipate irritation and clearing my mind as I struggled to sleep. I used to take part in compulsory running back when I was at school during PE sessions. I quite didn’t like it and also took part in compulsory marathons where I spent most of the time walking. One day we had a marathon during a storm. And now today I understand the benefits of embracing challenges out of our comfort zones. What matter to me is how good I will be feeling ounce the run done.
The benefits
Exercise helps me to sleep better like any other exercise. I started focusing on how I’m gonna be feeling afterwards and how well my sleep will be.
Resetting my circadian rhythm through the morning sunlight exposure as exercise early in the morning is important for my mood, performance and productivity.
Watching the Olympics gave me a lot of inspiration to carry on and levelling up. Watching the athletes helped me on how I can apply exercise to my life. The diversity of their stories and backgrounds gave me a momentum to achieve more. And more importantly we can start anything at anytime to change our lives. I always repeat to myself “Everything is possible”.
What made the Olympics specials for me is the fact some competitions took place in the middle of historic places. I think without these beautiful monuments and amazing spots including its rich history Paris wouldn’t be delivering such amazing Olympics.
Now the Olympics over, people in France are experiencing a post Olympics blues. Because people in France really enjoyed these ounce in a lifetime Olympics at home. Despite criticisms, negative comments, fears about the organisation… I decided to visit my family a week after all finish and feeling the regret of not going during the Olympics as I shared the same views than many people. Regrets of not going for ounce in a lifetime experience.

This taught me a stoic principle of not judging something before it happens or take place. Always refrain yourself from judgments.
On top of that the Olympics not only inspired me but many people across France to start or improve exercise. Many viewers ended up watching competitions with take ways and made the Paris 2024 Olympics popular in France at the end of the day. By the ways both team GB and team France’s victories made me proud. Especially for men and women triathlon with gold medals for both teams.
I believe more visitors will come to Paris to learn more about its history and its culture.
Early history
As we dive into the history, my favourite part of Paris is the very centre of Paris. Where it all began as the city like many others expanded through centuries. Paris comes from Parisii which was a Gallic tribe that ounce occupied the lands along the river Seine. The Parisii traded with other settlements until the arrival of the Roman in 52 BC. The Roman established Lutetia on the ile de la cite to become a Gallo-Roman town.
The Gallo-Roman period is the starting point of becoming a thriving city.
Most of the archaeological excavations took place at the ile de la cite where Notre Dame is standing today. However the location of the main settlement is disputed among historians. During your walk around Notre Dame Cathedral you may notice stairs leading to beneath the square. This attract curiosity. This is in fact the largest archaeological crypt in Europe! The visit takes you from the original Lutetia to the 19th Century.
The Seine played a key role in the development of Lutecia and its transformation through centuries. Through trade and commercial exchange and made its location is strategic.

But wait a second. Did you know it’s actually not the Seine flowing in Paris? It Yonne river because where the river Seine and Yonne meets Yonne River has a stronger flow than the Seine. It’s still called Seine because of links to ancient Gallo-Roman divinity of the Seine Sequana.
Roman Emperor Julian the apostate described the river as nice and clean but we’re talking about back in his time haha.
Differing from the controversies on the quality of the water for the Olympics. The reflect on the water cleared and refreshed my mind from trauma. This is when I found the benefits of walking on mental health. Walking along the Seine was my starting point.
The Middle Ages
After the fall of the Roman Empire, as the town became Parisius. Clovis I the Frankish King conquered it to make his capital in 508 AD. Although being regularly attacked by the Viking assault, Paris stood up as a symbol of the kingdom and the dynasty. Following Clovis’s death dynasties such as the Carolingians and Capetians succeeded. However the Carolingians decided to establish in Aix-La-Chapelle (Aachen, Germany).

In the meantime the city expanded further.
The real tipping point for Paris is during the Capetians dynasty. As their goal was to make Paris the political and religious capital of the Kingdom. King Phillip August became the first Monarch to be known as “King of France”. While Notre Dame Cathedral appears in the skyline. Paris is the heart of Gothic arts with La Sainte-Chapelle at a short walk from Notre Dame and the Basilica of Saint Denis located in the suburb.

Also the start of the construction of the unmissable Louvre Museum! Known as the Louvre Palace the remnants of the medieval louvre are still visible today in the basement. Originally built as a fortress to defend Paris from English invasions and converted into a residence of the French King to finally become what we know it as the most famous Museum in the world from 1793.
Paris becomes one of the best intellectual hub in Europe in Europe.

Scholars, monks and students from everywhere in Europe come to study in La Sorbonne University. But Paris suffered from the Bubonic plague and the hundred years war in the course of the 14th Century.
Renaissance and Revolutions
As the 15th Century arrived Paris regained prosperity from previous challenges. Renaissance arts imported from Italy beautified Paris more and more. With the construction of new fountains and bridges as well as the construction of the City hall. Also the construction of the invalids Church with its noticeable golden roof. Gold is often used for roofs, statues and arts.
The Sunlight’s reflect is gorgeous especially at sunrises and sunsets. Which gives its nickname as the city of lights from the reign of Louis XIV known as the “Sun King”.
Despite gaining fame new challenges are to come for Paris. 1789 is the start of the French Revolution with the storming of the Bastille. Many destruction and vandalism shook the city to its core. The first French Revolution lasted until 1799 and led to the seize of power of Napoleon.

Napoleon Bonaparte was the initiator of the construction of the Arch de Triomphe. Where all French war victories are inscribed. But never seen it complete in his lifetime. The Champs Elysees were outside of Paris back in this time!

Followed by a 19th Century of unrest from the Napoleonic wars to the commune of Paris in 1871.
The commune of Paris was an uprising which started on the hill which is today Montmartre where the Sacre coeur Church is standing. Its construction was not without controversies as the Commune was a rebellion against not only the power in place but also anti-religious. Where the construction sparked controversies later on in 1875 to be finally completed in 1914.

The commune of Paris was a great moment of French history which is not often taught in schools.
This was followed by a succession of multiple regimes in place with the French Empires, restorations of the Monarchy and Republics… Quite messy isn’t it? After the defeat of Napoleon III against the Prussians in 1871. Paris is left under siege by the Prussian army. Leaving the population to its own fate starving. The population refused to submit to the third Republic to attempt to establish an independent government. People had enough of Emperors, Kings and Presidents.

That was another reason to rebel.
The ideologies of the Commune of Paris laid foundations of Communism ideology where its name is derived from.
In the middle of political unrest, instability and chaos Paris started a deep transformation. Indeed under Napoleon III’s reign Paris underwent into a mutation to improve its quality of life. Not only that but also to compete with its rival London! All these under the initiative of the Emperor through the Baron Haussmann. Giving Paris its unique typical architecture called the Haussmanian architecture we mostly see in Paris.

The remodelling of Paris that makes it charming and more attractive. Making Paris a place or successive universal expositions. Starting with the most important in 1889 with the birth of the Eiffel Tower!

My personal insights
I had the privilege to go to Paris for explorations and reminded me that many people across the globe wanted to be where I was. Hence my satisfaction in strolling in its outskirts and guess what.
It’s in Paris where my ambition to consider tourism in my career started to germinate. I was looking for a career in Paris and faced challenges and rejections. The city of light taught me a lot of lessons on how to kick start a career properly.

Leading me for a path which is better for me in order to shine and thinking for a brighter future.
Leading me considering for a greater calling in London. As I start to draw this article to a close I want to express my gratitude to all the events I’ve faced in this city. Forged my identity and learned a lot despite of not had the opportunity to work there. The architecture and monument as well as its history gave me a lot of inspiration in my life.
As the birth of the modern Olympics is one among the great ideas that emerged in Paris. Their founder Pierre de Coubertin said : The most important thing in life is not to triumph but to compete.