Embark with me on a day trip to one of the places I’ve always wanted to visit! Windsor is famous for its oldest inhabited Castle in the world that makes the fame of the town. However many things fascinated me when I first explored its streets and the countryside. Traditional architecture is what I love wherever I explore. Traditions and culture is what I love exploring wherever I set foot in. Typical English architecture is also what I enjoy to contemplate when I discover new places in England. Windsor delighted me with no disappointment at all!

This excursion set me a vision for the future and my aspirations! Walking and exploring to remind me my purpose of sharing knowledge and empowerment to the people around me. A new step as a high performer as you carry on reading if you have thirst for knowledge. For you readers desiring to improve your life toward a complete shift of identity. Windsor wasn’t just a small trip but a giant leap forward in my journey!
Morning wake up
Woke up around 5AM which is the time where I start my morning rituals I am so proud of. Sprung out of bed and starts my morning affirmations. What are they? Why reciting affirmations? What’s the purpose of it? Why in the morning? Let me explain to you. First of all they are positive statements such as “I deserve good things” “I am grateful for everything in my life” “I succeed anything I set my mind to” “I am filled with energy”.
By also reciting these statements and many others looking at myself in the mirror. I cultivate self love which is key to happiness. I increase self-esteem or self-confidence. Reinforce positive belief and positive self talks throughout the day. They reprogram the subconscious mind by creating new neural pathways. Leading you slowly but surely to a mindset shift and a change of reality. And I love saying “Positive brainwashing” to create a vision for the future.
As time goes by you will enter a new reality with new experiences and new people aligned with your shift of personality.
Soon I grab my air pods sit down comfortably on the sofa and start my 10-15 minutes meditation. Following my cold shower I have my breakfast and flick the page of the day from the Daily Stoic. This book is by Ryan Holiday and consist of reading a quote per day. Giving me a time of reflection and open my journal to express my gratitude write down my thoughts.
Following my daily morning rituals it’s always time for me to kick off the day! Hopped on bus 2 heading to Victoria to catch the Windsor express. During the journey it instinctively came to mind to listen to podcasts. This one on my list was from a famous life coach Aaron Doughty about how we send energy to people and how it can influence our relationships. If you think too much about someone or expect some thing in return from anyone. You create resistance and compromises your relationships. In the other hand if you detach yourself a little bit and work on yourself you are more magnetic. You become a magnet that attracts people on the same vibe as you. What I found interesting the way he describes energy strands and how we are all connected each other. I do recommend to listen to his podcasts.
On my way to Windsor I couldn’t stop looking at the scenery while enjoying the podcast. I also listened to my favourite stoic podcasts in French. Until I could see the road sign indicating Windsor and spotted the castle in the background a few miles later.
Let’s do this!
Jumped off the bus and let’s do this as I always say and activated the Strava app to measure my walk. Ready to embrace the wind and the rain as I start walking along the river Thames. Breathing the air of the countryside and walking in the silence with the relaxing sound of the rain trickling down the trees. I felt the peace and serenity within me to move forward toward my goal.

Goals give me joy and perspectives and make my life enjoyable and fulfilment. They give me a reason to wake up every morning looking forward the day ahead with excitement. As I walked along the river I reminded myself how blessed I am and thinking there’s always a reason to smile when coming across few people greeting me saying “morning” “Hello”. I found people from the area friendly and welcoming and haven’t experienced this for a long time.

On my way to Dorney Lake
Heading to Dorney lake outside Windsor allowing myself some visualisation practice for my triathlon goal! Competing for an Ironman world championship is my ultimate goal.
This is where my where I want my exercise routine to take me one day.
The bad weather and walking in the mud were just reminders I will have to embrace discomfort and challenges. Because without discomfort we don’t grow in the other hand without rest time we don’t grow as well. It’s a matter of life balance with the most essential physiological need which is sleep. I need everything mentioned above to get to my destination. Going through woodlands, observing the river flowing the opposite way was to tell me to go against the odds.
Despite fears and self doubts.
The old me would be feared of the unknown and this is what I will experience mystery on my way. Indeed I found a redundant Church in the middle of nowhere. Places of worship always attract my curiosity and this one in particular standing in a clearing caught my eyes. What came to mind is maybe I can do an urbex exploration in there. Or perhaps it’s locked as I was walking around looking for access. So I quickly noticed the latter bumped into a sign about the Church. This is in fact a Church whose foundations date back from before the Norman conquest. The earliest parts date back from the 12th Century and was used to serve the barges and other river men. The friends of friendless Church charity acquired the building in 1983 for its preservation.

Following my walk around the Church and its clearing the rain fall intensified. For me no question to sit down on the damp bench. Bracing myself in jumping forward on the muddy paths and didn’t know about the access to the lake. So I walked around the fences to see the lake and imagined myself swimming in there for a triathlon race with friends and family supporting me. Took my time for visualisation to see what’s in stock for me. Observing how I will face the challenge according to the actions and training I am doing today.

This is where I want to be.
Eton village
Heading back to the town of Windsor by the same way on the north bank of the river. I stopped by the charming nearby village of Eton. Windsor is just on the other side of the bridge so Eton village is unmissable if you’re heading to the Castle. Actually it’s worth taking time to see the different shops and my favourite ones were the antiques and bookshops on the high street leading to the Castle.

Peascod street
After crossing the bridge I walked on the streets around the Castle. They are the trendiest and busiest streets of Windsor since the Castle is it main landmark. It attracts tourists from all over the world! The best one is Peascod Street where you can see the Castle in the background. They are plenty of stores we can choose from. My instinct guided me to book stores looking at my favourite section. Which is self improvement and wellbeing. Also looking at history books without leafing through them. I realised in this moment there’s no way to improvement your life without implementing a high performance lifestyle.

High performance is core to me regarding my journey through life. As I walked on the creaking wooden floor browsing in silence among of all these books. So many books to improve my life a little bit better each day. This calmness rang me a bell that It’s time for me to take a break so I made my way to caffe Nero. My favourite coffee shop chain! Took a break to rest my leg and had a lunch.
All my readings and the progress I have made over the last year and my daily morning routine + this day of exploration made me fulfilled that day. I started reading one of my best books so far called the Atomic Habits from James clear. About implementing new good habits and how to stick to them, how to get rid of bad ones and finally how to change your environment for your habits.
The long walk
While flicking the pages and went deep in my reading a man came into the coffee shop. The man I believe was in his 60’s but with mobility problems as he struggled to sit down when holding his walking chair. I was smiling at him, cleared the space held his hand to help him to sit down in front of me. Smiling at strangers is what I not only do at work but also when commuting or on the street.
It’s my way to send positivity and good vibe to the world!
I could see in the man’s eyes the reflection of all the good habits that led me to make me a better person. Moreover the inner peace within me from those habits as this man said to me “Thank you”. Kept an eye on him with kindness and felt gratitude of being able to walk. Walking is the best therapy for me to clear my and creating space in my mind. There’s a lot of benefits we can from from the mere action of walking such as creativity.
The best therapy for mental health.
One of the best spots in Windsor to is of course the long walk facing one of the Castle’s entrance. I therefore bumped into a mysterious crooked house on the way. Known as the Market Cross house and dates back from the 17th Century.

When I reached the gates of the Castle I could see the long walk as far as the eyes could see. Like the road was endless with the slopes representing the ups and downs in life. Learning is endless, possibilities are endless as long as we believe in ourselves. No matter what life throws at us that perhaps put an end to our our dreams and aspirations.

The long walk reminded all these aspects mentioned above. Assured I am on the right path to help and inspire others with my journey. Empowering people is my mission as I looked back to the Castle and the way I had just crossed. As I conclude this post I was very proud of me of walking such a long distance during the day. I had walked more than 23 kilometres according to Strava app which is my longest walk so far! What a long walk I told myself! I ended up completely knackered on the bus on my way back home. But so proud of myself and thinking about new adventures! 2024 is the year I’ve just laid the foundations and 2025 will be more fulfilled I believe. See you soon and take care yourselves, thank you very much.