Do you feel stressed living in a city? Do you know how to boost your mood, performance, creativity at no cost? This post is for you! Life is easy just go outside and find some green! If there’s on urbanism around you no worries! just a picture of the countryside can make a big difference in your mood and performance! First of all greenspaces such as parks are my favourite playgrounds for my running and listening to podcasts on my walks. I love walking and listening to podcasts, this is where I find some inspiration, insights and learn about more rituals I can apply to myself. Applying rituals to live my life better and better. I love saying onward and upward! Because this how I view life! In always learning about wellbeing and self improvement leading to high performance.

It is recommended to spend at least 120 minutes per week in nature. How long to you spend you time in nature per week? To answer this question many cities across the world such as New York, Singapore, London, Oslo and many more on the list are creating more urban greenings. Not just to reduce pollution to tackle climate change but to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Also to reduce noise pollution as many cities around the world made or in project to pedestrianize their city centres. Paris has a makeover project to transform the Champ-Elysees to make it greener and more enjoyable. Creating more urban greening spots is because we humans like many other species life in nature is where we’re supposed to be. Nature is our primary habitat like other for of life on Earth. That’s why vital to reconnect to our source.
Mental health
Mental health is the thing I prioritize in my life. Listening to positive stuff as I’ve mentioned above. Supporting people emotionally is my core values. Listening and understanding them emphatically without judgment. Creating a safe space for individuals to express themselves. But what I found most beneficial is enjoying walks in greenspaces. Using this time for reflection as I use a lot of my time reflecting on my own. Being alone in the middle of the wildlife always created space in my head for my ideas. I really had a sense of freedom when I had a 20k run at my mum’s. I freed my mind from work and my daily life in pushing myself hard. Do you know what I always feel amazing and proud. Also the countryside scenery excites me! I find that mental!

One of the aspect of spending time in Parks or countryside is the sleep improvement. I’ve made part improvements on my sleep quality by just the fact of walking. Battersea Park is my favourite spot in London to go for walks and runs to take some sunlight. Why? Because sunlight exposure helps you to click your circadian rhythm at any season of the year! Even when the leaves are brown and the sky is grey. It always worth to going for a walk on Winters days with the California dreaming. On such rough Winters days!
Walking in the middle of nature helps me to calm my thoughts whether excitements of worries. Making me living in the present moment when I observe around me. Animals, plants, people… I do also sometimes take time to read in Battersea Park. The English garden is the best spot for me for reading with the peaceful sound trickling water from the fountain. I’ve recently had a revelation on a busy Saturday morning at the pear tree cafe when I was observing all these people chatting. Looking at the sunshine reflection over the pond in the background feeling the warmth from the indoor. The world is full of turmoil, divisions, wars, crisis…

But on the flipside of all the negativity a movement that transcend all nationalities, background, religion and languages is growing. A movement with a simple goal which is to be the best version of ourselves. Many people like me across the globe are on a self-improvement journey making us aligned together. I love self-development and wellbeing, listening to podcast about high performance and this is what I find sexy. I consume content mainly from life coaches and led me to question about my core values. As I questioned myself a lot in the nights preventing me from sleep. I told myself this is time for me to understand my core values which is to help others in self improvement, empowerment, and leadership in guiding people to be at their best. High performance lifestyle is the answer to heal the world!
As soon as I understood this part of myself, I started to trust myself in who I am. My purpose and my potential in my success in the growing self-improvement industry. My sleep has improved again when I’ve realised my potential and ceased all these questions in my head. Walks are a mean to ponder constructively when I take a break in my exercise routine. To keep my cortisol level low for better sleep!
The mere fact of taking time of observing the scenery in Battersea Park gave me a revelation about my calling. Reassurance took over me in this Park I love so much!
Physical health
Greenspaces not only lower your cortisol level as mentioned above. But also lower blood pressure and reduces risks of diabetes. And most importantly reduces stress. As it did to me after a period of uncertainty and observing the present moment unfolding in front of me. Living near greenness often encourages physical activity. Walking is one of them!

Helps recovery
My childhood was marked by so many surgeries due to my facial cleft and ear infections connected to it. My hospitalization room was often facing the panoramic view of my home town Amiens. Could enjoy one of the best view spots as far as the eyes could see. I could contemplate not only the buildings but also the symbol which gives my town its fame. The Cathedral Notre Dame of Amiens and the trees and greenspaces across the town. Including the fields and woodlands around the bustling town. The view gave me comfort in my recovery.
That was hard and never complained about them. My surgeon Bernard Devauchelle is a legend in my town! But one of best surgeon globally for being the first to had carried out the first successful face transplant! As I’m am writing these lines it reminds me to never forget where I come from. And I feel extremely proud to be from that place where the scenery suffered from WWI. But the green I observed is a product of the resurrection and healing after being torn by shells and fighting.
I am a person who reflect and think a lot deeply. To question myself sometimes but most of these moments I get inspiration and ideas for my writings. This topic is underrated and found worth exploring it to. On the purpose to show how beneficial it is for our performance in our daily lives. Because we most of the time don’t realise the simple rituals to make a difference in our live. We don’t know the benefits of so many things. Greenspace exposure is a very interesting topic because there are new rituals I’ve implemented. Such as having walks, runs, readings and working towards my goals in general in green environments.

I invite you readers to take beneficial time for yourselves to step back from your daily work routines by stepping outside and walk. To aim to refocus on yourself and letting go of the stress to maximize your performance in all areas of your lives. As this discussion is coming to a close I want to express my gratitude for all the ideas and insights I’ve got during my walks. I am grateful for all the readers who took time to read. I am grateful for my transformational journey and my high performance lifestyle! See you next time!